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Paleoecological data from sediment collected in 2020 from Santa Fe Lake, New Mexico

This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values, percent carbon and percent nitrogen, algal pigment data, and diatom taxonomy from lake sediment layers dating back to 1749 Common Era (CE) for Santa Fe lake, New Mexico. Subalpine and alpine lakes are typically sensitive indicators of anthropogenically driven global change. Lake sediment records in the western United States have docu

Tadpole Fire Debris Flow and Wood Collector Measurements May 2021

This is a dataset of location and photo data for the debris flow deposits measured in the Tadpole Wildfire. The data were collected using the ArcGIS Collector application by multiple individuals. The original data are stored in a geodatabase here, and the geodatabase has the following fields: Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Elevation (meters), GlobalID (a unique ID), Creat

Tadpole Fire Field Measurements following the 8 September 2020 Debris Flow, Gila National Forest, NM

This data release contains data summarizing observations within and adjacent to the Tadpole Fire, which burned from 6 June to 4 July 2020 in the Gila National Forest, NM. This monitoring data were focused on debris flows triggered on 8 September 2020 in four drainage basins (TAD1, TAD2, TAD3, and TAD4). Rainfall data (1a_rain_geophones.csv) are provided in a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The

Data supporting a spatiotemporal trend analysis of specific conductivity, streamflow, and landscape attributes of selected sub-basins within the Delaware River watershed, 1980 to 2018

This data release makes available three data tables supporting a spatiotemporal analysis of riverine conductivity and streamflow trends within the Delaware River Basin. The listed datasets include baseflow and total flow time series for selected gaged basins, watershed attributes, water quality information and trend analysis results.

Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019)

Wildfire events are becoming more frequent and severe on a global scale. Rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and the presence of pyrophytic invasive grasses are contributing to the degradation of native vegetation communities. Within the Great Basin region of the Western United States, increasing wildfire frequency is transforming the ecosystem toward a higher degree of homogeneity, one domina

Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of interval thicknesses in the Southern Midcontinent region

This digital data release contains previously published contours of thickness values of 23 named geological horizons, ranging in age from Cambrian to Tertiary. In alphabetical order, these horizons are the Atokan, Chesterian, Cretaceous, Desmoinesian, Guadalupian, Jurassic, Kinderhookian, Leonardian, Lower Hunton, Meramecian, Missourian, Morrowan, Ochoan, Osagean, Simpson-Viola, Sylvan-Cason, Tert

Water chemistry and fish health effects for fathead minnow embryos exposed to sodium nitrate and matched conductivity controls for 21 days post fertilization

This data set describes developmental and physiological effects observed in fathead minnow embryos that were exposed to sodium nitrate or conductivity-matched controls. Exposures were conducted in the laboratory from fertilization through 21 days post-fertilization (dpf). Nitrate doses were 0, 2, 5, 10, 25, or 100 milligrams per liter nitrate-nitrogen; conductivity controls were matched to the 10

Sedimentological and geotechnical analyses of marine sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of sea

MODFLOW-2000 model used to evaluate the effects of possible changes in water-supply withdrawals from, and effluent recharge to, the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey

A previously developed groundwater-flow model of the Great Egg Harbor and Mullica River Basins, N.J. ( by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was used to analyze the effects on groundwater levels and stream base flow from possible changes in groundwater withdrawals and effluent infiltration in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey. The Camden County Municipa

40Ar/39Ar isotopic data from the Day Nui Con Voi metamorphic massif, Vietnam

This data release includes electron 40Ar/39Ar collected at the U.S. Geological Survey for samples from the Day Nui Con Voi metamorphic massif, Vietnam. Rock samples were collected by Meng-Wan Yeh, Michael J. Kunk and Robert P Wintsch in 2011. Mineral separates were prepared and aliquots of amphibole, muscovite, phlogopite, biotite, and potassium feldspar were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar method at th

Agricultural, domestic, and ecological vulnerability of California's Central Coast to projected changes in land-use, water sustainability, and climate by 2061 under five scenarios

This data release provides 270-m resolution maps of hotspots of vulnerability to projected changes in land-use, water shortages, and climate from 2001-2061 for agricultural, domestic, and ecological communities in the Central Coast of California, USA, under five management scenarios. This data covers the counties of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara counties, but

Flood inundation geospatial datasets for Papillion Creek near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska

Digital flood-inundation maps for an 8-mile reach of the Papillion Creek near Offutt Air Force Base, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, Offutt Air Force Base. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science website at
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