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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Morphometric, Age, Visible Abnormalities, Skin and Liver Neoplasms, and Stable Isotopes in White Sucker Collected in the St. Louis River and Estuary, Minnesota/Wisconsin, 2011-2015

The dataset provides length, weight, age, observations of visible external abnormalities, liver and skin histopathology and stable isotopes of white sucker captured within the St. Louis river and associated bays.

Slow recovery of headwater-stream fishes following a catastrophic poisoning event

Fish collection data for surveys made at 5 localities in Flat Creek, Dawson County GA, on 6 dates that spanned a 4 to 18.5-month period following a catastrophic fish kill caused by a chemical spill near the headwater origin on Flat Creek. The data are: locality descriptions, water depth and velocity measurements made during fish sampling, and tabulated numbers and range in body length of individua

The North American Breeding Bird Survey in Mexico, 2008-2018 - unprocessed data

This dataset includes all North American Breeding Bird Survey data collected in Mexico between 2008-2018. These data were used as the basis for all analyses discussed in an associated publication: The North American Breeding Bird Survey in Mexico, 2008-2018 - A Status Report; The records include avian point count data for all reported taxa (species, races, and unid

Geospatial bathymetry datasets for New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs and Controlled Lakes

From May 2017 to November 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted bathymetry surveys of New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs. The East of Hudson Reservoirs consist of 16 reservoirs and controlled lakes in Putnam and Westchester County, New York, including Amawalk Reservoir, Bog Brook Reservoir, Boyd Corners Reservoir, Cross River Reservoir, Croton Falls Reservoir, Diverting Reservoir, East

Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA California Regional Stream Quality Assessment (2017)

Dissolved pesticides were measured in weekly water samples from 85 wadeable streams in Central Coastal California over a variable six-week period during March-May, 2017, as part of the California Stream Quality Assessment (CSQA) study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Regional Stream-Quality Assessment (RSQA) Project. The 85 streams consisted of 40 urban sites (5-100percent urban la

Chemical analyses and precipitation depth data for wet deposition samples collected as part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program in the Colorado Front Range, 2017-2019

The USGS Precipitation Chemistry Quality Assurance Project (PCQA) conducts research using the infrastructure of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) National Trends Network (NTN). Beginning in December 2016, the PCQA installed and began operating NTN monitoring sites in the Denver-Boulder metropolitan area to study urban reactive nitrogen wet deposition. Precipitation depth data are

Water-quality and stream discharge data for estimation of nitrogen loads in the South Platte River, Denver, CO, 2017-2018

The purpose of this data release is to provide the original data, analysis methods, and nitrogen loading models in support of a study of the upper South Platte River annual total nitrogen loads attributed to atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen during 2017-2018. The data release includes water-quality and stream discharge data and associated predictive regression models used in the estimat

Datasets of the hydrogeologic framework of the Red River alluvial aquifer and Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer in northwestern Louisiana

Datasets include hydrogeologic cross section wells within the Red River alluvial aquifer surficial extent, Red River alluvial aquifer base contours and wells, isopach map showing combined thickness of the Red River alluvial aquifer sand and gravel units, wells used to construct the isopach map of the Red River alluvial aquifer, wells used to construct 25-foot contours showing altitude of the base

Digital data from USGS OFR 83-250: Selected data for low-temperature (less than 90 degrees C) geothermal systems in the United States; reference data for U.S. Geological Survey Circular 892

The data in the csv and text files provided in this release are an update to the data tables originally published in USGS Open-File Report (OFR) 83-250 ( Those data were published as paper tables and have until now only been available as pdf image documents that were not machine readable. USGS OFR 83-250 presented data for 2071 geothermal sites which are representat

Groundwater-quality data in the Northern San Joaquin Valley Domestic-Supply Aquifer Study Unit, 2019: Results from the California GAMA Priority Basin Project

The U.S. Geological Survey collected groundwater samples from 46 wells used for domestic and small system drinking water supplies in San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Stanislaus counties, California in 2019. The wells were sampled for the Northern San Joaquin Valley Domestic-Supply Aquifer Study Unit of the California State Water Resources Control Board Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAM

GSFLOW and MODSIM-GSFLOW model used to evaluate the potential effects of increased temperature on the Carson Valley watershed and agricultural system in eastern California and western Nevada

The USGS developed an integrated river operations-groundwater model using GSFLOW and MODSIM GSFLOW to simulate streamflow derived from snowmelt, the distribution of surface water based on the existing prior appropriations water doctrine, supplemental pumping in response to surface water shortfalls, and the resulting surface water-groundwater interactions in the Carson Valley in California and Neva

Discrete Carbonate System Parameter Measurements in Middle Tampa Bay, Florida and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, USA

This data set contains time series measurements of discrete seawater samples analyzed for carbonate system and basic water quality parameters including water temperature (degrees C), salinity, pHT (pH on the total scale), total alkalinity (micromol/kg), dissolved inorganic carbon (micromol/kg), nitrate + nitrite (micromol/L), nitrite (micromol/L), silicate (micromol/L), ammonium (micromol/L), phos
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