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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Monticello 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution

This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, Lidar-derived imagery of the Monticello 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in New York and covers part of the Delaware River Basin. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter and 2-meter resolution Lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEM). The Lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2005 a

Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in and near the Milk River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2018, Part 1

The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY?MT WSC) completed a report (Sando and McCarthy, 2018) documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines. The methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 50-, 42.9-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected streamgag

Tracking Data for Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "processedData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 17 satellite transmitters attached to Whooper Swans at a non-breeding site in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, 2009. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor data

Microbial Community and N-cycling gene abundance from Ponds and Groundwater on Cape Cod, MA (2015 - 2018)

Surface water, pore water, pond bottom sediments, and groundwater were sampled within and downgradient from five groundwater flow-through ponds that ranged from oligotrophic to eutrophic in Cape Cod, Massachusetts during different seasons from 2015 – 2018. The sampled ponds included Ashumet, Santuit, Snake, Shubael, and Longs. Pore water was collected between 15 to 100 cm below the pond bottoms on

Archive of hydrologic models used to generate flood peaks based on selected precipitation durations and recurrence intervals for the Little Blue River Basin, Grandview, Missouri

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the City of Grandview, Missouri, assessed flooding of the Little Blue River at Grandview resulting from precipitation events of varying recurrence intervals and durations, and expected changes in land cover. The precipitation scenarios were used to develop a library of flood-inundation maps that included a 3.5-mile reach of the Little Blue Rive

Geospatial data and hydraulic-model archive for evaluation of flood-inundation maps developed for a reach of the Little Blue River at Grandview, Missouri

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the city of Grandview, Missouri, assessed flooding of the Little Blue River at Grandview resulting from varying precipitation magnitudes and durations, and expected land cover changes. The precipitation scenarios were used to develop a library of flood-inundation maps that included a 3.5-mile reach of the Little Blue River and tributaries withi

Geochemistry time series and growth parameters from Tutuila, American Samoa coral record (ver. 2.0, June 2021)

Geochemical analysis (including radiocarbon, stable carbon isotope, and elemental composition) and growth parameters (including calcification rate, density, and extension information) were measured from a coral core collected from a reef off the southern side of Tutuila, American Samoa. The core was collected near Matautuloa Point on 8 April 2012 in collaboration with the Ecosystem Sciences Divisi

Coral geochemistry time series from Kahekili, west Maui

Geochemical analysis (including stable boron, boron:calcium ratio, and carbon and oxygen isotopes) were measured from coral cores collected in July 2013 from the shallow reef at Kahekili in Kaanapali, west Maui, Hawaii from scleractinian Porites lobata.

Tracking the growth of Ophidiomyces ophidiicola over time in natural and sterile soils using quantitative PCR

Wildlife diseases pose an ever-growing threat to global biodiversity. Understanding how wildlife pathogens are distributed in the environment and the ability of pathogens to form environmental reservoirs is critical to understanding and predicting disease dynamics within host populations. Snake fungal disease (SFD) is an emerging conservation threat to North American snake populations. The causati

Compilation of estuarine salinity data for sites used in RESTORE Streamflow alteration assessments (ver. 2.0, May 2021)

The presence of salinity in shallow waters influences living resources and habitats within Gulf of Mexico estuaries. The salinity gradient is widely recognized as foundational in maintaining biological diversity and productivity of estuaries. A clear understanding of the factors controlling salinity and its variability in estuarine surface waters is essential for proper stewardship and for sustain

Time Series of Structure-from-Motion Products-Orthomosaics, Digital Elevation Models and Point Clouds: Little Dauphin Island and Pelican Island, Alabama, September 2018-April 2019

Barrier islands are dynamic environments that are gradually shaped by currents, waves, and tides under quiescent conditions, yet can evolve in the time scale of hours to days during hurricanes and other extreme storms. Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) allow the opportunity for collecting topographic data for monitoring purposes, with a temporal resolution that is well-suited for these dynami

Reprocessed multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) data from USGS field activity T-1-96-SC collected in San Diego Bay, California in 1996

This data release presents reprocessed multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) data that was originally collected in 1996 in partnership with the California Division of Mines and Geology and Caltrans as part of a seismic hazard assessment of the Coronado Bridge in San Diego Bay, California. The original survey collected 130 km of data with a 14-cubic inch sleeve-gun (airgun) source, a 24-channel str
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