Karen E. Jenni, Ph.D.
I am the Senior Science Advisor for the Energy and Minerals Mission Area, where I work with our Programs and scientists to expand collaborative science planning and execution within the USGS and, to work with our external partners to develop and deliver innovative science that meets the needs of decision-makers. My focus and my passion is on supporting our scientists as the we continue to find ways to increase both the value and the use of USGS science in decision making.
A key theme in my work is working collaboratively with experts, stakeholders, and decisions makers across multiple disciplines and multiple organizations to bring structure and sound science information to bear on challenging resource management problems. Today’s resource managers need management tools, expertise and sound science to make decisions that will not be second-guessed, inherently flawed, or result in catastrophic outcomes. Today’s scientists want to develop information that will be useful to, and used by, those managers as they address critical decisions affecting our nations natural resources and societal well-being. My work lies in connecting these two groups: in helping other scientists identify, develop, and deliver state-of-the-art, decision-relevant information, and in helping decision-makers make effective and efficient use of that information. Working together and using the tools of decision analysis and adaptive management, scientists and managers can maximize the likelihood of achieving desired management outcomes while simultaneously adding to scientific knowledge that will be useful for future decisions.
Professional Experience
Prior to joining the USGS, I was the founder of Insight Decisions, LCC, a Principal at Geomatrix Consultants, and a Senior Manager at Applied Decision Analysis. I am Past-President of the Decision Analysis Society (DAS) of INFORMS (the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science), and have served on the Board of the Society of Decision Professionals.
Education and Certifications
B.S in Mathematical and Computational Sciences from Stanford University
M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University
Science and Products
Land and water use for energy production and extraction in the Colorado River Basin
Results of Ecosystem Scale Selenium Modeling in Support of Site-Specific Guidelines Development for Lake Koocanusa, Montana, U.S.A., and British Columbia, Canada, 2020
Applying decision analysis to diverse domains: An introduction to the special issue
Use case development for earth monitoring, analysis, and prediction (EarthMAP)—A road map for future integrated predictive science at the U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey landscape science strategy 2020–2030
Leveraging risk communication science across US federal agencies
Ecological forecasting—21st century science for 21st century management
Assessment of water and proppant quantities associated with petroleum production from the Eagle Ford Group, Gulf Coast, Texas, 2019
Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job
Multi-Resource Analysis—Methodology and synthesis
Conceptual modeling framework to support development of site-specific selenium criteria for Lake Koocanusa, Montana, U.S.A., and British Columbia, Canada
Understanding and finding solutions to the problem of sedimentation in the National Wildlife Refuge System
Grand challenges for integrated USGS science — A workshop report
Decision analysis of mitigation and remediation of sedimentation within large wetland systems: a case study using Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Land and water use for energy production and extraction in the Colorado River Basin
Results of Ecosystem Scale Selenium Modeling in Support of Site-Specific Guidelines Development for Lake Koocanusa, Montana, U.S.A., and British Columbia, Canada, 2020
Applying decision analysis to diverse domains: An introduction to the special issue
Use case development for earth monitoring, analysis, and prediction (EarthMAP)—A road map for future integrated predictive science at the U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey landscape science strategy 2020–2030
Leveraging risk communication science across US federal agencies
Ecological forecasting—21st century science for 21st century management
Assessment of water and proppant quantities associated with petroleum production from the Eagle Ford Group, Gulf Coast, Texas, 2019
Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job
Multi-Resource Analysis—Methodology and synthesis
Conceptual modeling framework to support development of site-specific selenium criteria for Lake Koocanusa, Montana, U.S.A., and British Columbia, Canada
Understanding and finding solutions to the problem of sedimentation in the National Wildlife Refuge System
Grand challenges for integrated USGS science — A workshop report
Decision analysis of mitigation and remediation of sedimentation within large wetland systems: a case study using Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.