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Model Archive Summary for Suspended-Sediment Concentration at Station 05321195; Blue Earth River at Highway 169 at Mankato, Minnesota

This model archive summary (MAS) documents the suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) model developed to compute 15-minute SSC from turbidity readings. This is the first model developed for the Blue Earth River at Highway 169 at Mankato, Minnesota (Station ID 05321195).

Data supporting 'Linking fire-induced evapotranspiration shifts to streamflow magnitude and timing in the western United States'

The impact of wildfire on water availability is a critical issue in the western United States. Because actual evapotranspiration (ETa) constitutes the largest loss in the terrestrial water budget, it has been suggested that fire-induced ETa reduction is a primary driver of elevated post-fire discharge. Ten gaged watersheds with burns exceeding 5% of their total contributing drainage area were sele

Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) for California Coastal Basins - Monthly Historical (water years 1896-2019) and Future (water years 2006-2099) Climate and Hydrology

This data release contains monthly 270-meter gridded Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate inputs and hydrologic outputs for 17 California Coastal Basins (Eel River, Fort Bragg, Fort Ross, Klamath, Los Angeles, Mad River, Mattole, Napa Sonoma, Russian River, Salinas, San Diego, San Francisco Coastal South, Santa Clara River Valley, Santa Clara River Valley South Bay, Smith, South Bay, and S

Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Diet and Gut Microbiota Data, 2015-2019

This dataset is one table with data collected and derived from polar bears sampled in Alaska's southern Beaufort Sea during 2015-2019. Data include demographic and morphometric information from each sampled polar bear, gut microbiome diversity indices derived from fecal DNA metabarcoding, and the proportion of prey species detected in individual bear diets derived from quantitative fatty acid anal

Bioenergetic Growth Performance of Rainbow Trout in Upper Skagit Reservoir Tributaries, 2018-2021

This dataset contains the information necessary for bioenergetics modeling of rainbow trout growth in select tributaries to the Upper Skagit River Hydroelectric reservoirs. The diet, invertebrate drift, and size-at-age data used to create modeling inputs is included in csv files. The input data generated for modeling can be found in the folder 'FB4 Upper Skagit Tributaries - Data Release' and incl

USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project—Northwest Montana Bakken Formation: Assessment Unit Boundaries, Assessment Input Data, and Fact Sheet Data Tables

This data release contains the boundaries of assessment units and input data for the assessment of undiscovered continuous oil and gas resources in the Bakken formation of Northwest Montana. The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-lev

Paleoecological data from sediment collected in 2020 from Santa Fe Lake, New Mexico

This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values, percent carbon and percent nitrogen, algal pigment data, and diatom taxonomy from lake sediment layers dating back to 1749 Common Era (CE) for Santa Fe lake, New Mexico. Subalpine and alpine lakes are typically sensitive indicators of anthropogenically driven global change. Lake sediment records in the western United States have docu

Tadpole Fire Debris Flow and Wood Collector Measurements May 2021

This is a dataset of location and photo data for the debris flow deposits measured in the Tadpole Wildfire. The data were collected using the ArcGIS Collector application by multiple individuals. The original data are stored in a geodatabase here, and the geodatabase has the following fields: Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Elevation (meters), GlobalID (a unique ID), Creat

Tadpole Fire Field Measurements following the 8 September 2020 Debris Flow, Gila National Forest, NM

This data release contains data summarizing observations within and adjacent to the Tadpole Fire, which burned from 6 June to 4 July 2020 in the Gila National Forest, NM. This monitoring data were focused on debris flows triggered on 8 September 2020 in four drainage basins (TAD1, TAD2, TAD3, and TAD4). Rainfall data (1a_rain_geophones.csv) are provided in a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The

Data supporting a spatiotemporal trend analysis of specific conductivity, streamflow, and landscape attributes of selected sub-basins within the Delaware River watershed, 1980 to 2018

This data release makes available three data tables supporting a spatiotemporal analysis of riverine conductivity and streamflow trends within the Delaware River Basin. The listed datasets include baseflow and total flow time series for selected gaged basins, watershed attributes, water quality information and trend analysis results.

Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019)

Wildfire events are becoming more frequent and severe on a global scale. Rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and the presence of pyrophytic invasive grasses are contributing to the degradation of native vegetation communities. Within the Great Basin region of the Western United States, increasing wildfire frequency is transforming the ecosystem toward a higher degree of homogeneity, one domina

Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of interval thicknesses in the Southern Midcontinent region

This digital data release contains previously published contours of thickness values of 23 named geological horizons, ranging in age from Cambrian to Tertiary. In alphabetical order, these horizons are the Atokan, Chesterian, Cretaceous, Desmoinesian, Guadalupian, Jurassic, Kinderhookian, Leonardian, Lower Hunton, Meramecian, Missourian, Morrowan, Ochoan, Osagean, Simpson-Viola, Sylvan-Cason, Tert
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