Michelle L Hladik, PhD
(She/her)I am an environmental organic chemist whose current research focuses on the fate and transport of current-use pesticides and other organic contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Much of my research is focused on pesticides but also includes other organic contaminants. I direct a research laboratory that is focused on developing new methods to measure pesticides and their degradates in water, sediment, and biota. My laboratory specializes in small samples sizes, complex matrices, and non-standard procedues. Additionally, I also work on developing methods and measuring disinfection by-products in treated water (especially those that are not-currently regulated and are understudied) with a focus on wastewater discharges.
Professional Experience
Research Chemist, USGS, California Water Science Center, Sacramento, 2006 to present
Chemist, USGS, California Water Science Center, Sacramento, 2005-2006
Graduate Fellow/Research and Teaching Assistant, Deparment of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1999-2005
Undergraduate Research Summer Institute, Department of Chemistry, Vassar College, 1997,1998
Undergraduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Vassar College ,1997,1998
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 2005, Environmental Engineering and Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
B.A. 1999, Chemistry, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York