Interactive Maps
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United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well (DOW) Dataset Viewer
The dataset was created to provide documented orphaned well data to decision makers, as well as researchers, and other interested parties in a publicly available online format.
National Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Framework
A geonarrative detailing the National Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Framework, a structure for interagency coordination to support early detection biosurveillance and rapid response to invasive species.
Amphibian and Reptile Species Distribution Explorer
The Amphibian and Reptile Species Distribution Explorer provides information about herptile distributions and species richness in an easy-to-understand and accessible format for scientists and natural resource managers, interested landowners, citizen scientists, and anyone interested in amphibians and reptiles.
Interactive Supplement - When and How Often do Seedings Experience a Wildfire?
Interactive Tableau supplement to the paper “Protecting Restoration Investments from the Cheatgrass-fire Cycle in Sagebrush Steppe.”
Interactive Map: Potomac Wastewater Mapper
The Potomac Wastewater Mapper is intended to help identify streams with elevated wastewater conditions or predicted ecological risk posed by municipal effluent-derived wastewater mixtures that may require further attention by resource managers, either through targeted contaminant monitoring and sampling or wastewater treatment plant upgrades to improve contaminant removal.
The 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Earthquake Sequence
On February 6, 2023, a M 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Turkey near the northern border of Syria. This earthquake was followed about 9 hours later by a M 7.5 earthquake approximately 90 km to the north. This interactive geonarrative describes the tectonic setting in the region, past seismicity in the area, and details of the earthquake rupture.
Interactive Map: Monitoring Virginia Eastern Shore Groundwater Conditions
Groundwater levels in layered aquifer systems like the Virginia Eastern Shore are often monitored using wells in multiple aquifers at the same location. Colors in the simplified cross-section illustration below correspond to the circles representing wells on the map. The list of monitoring-well layers can be used to control the map display of wells for individual aquifers.
Flood Data Collection in Pennsylvania - Rapid Deployment Network
USGS is helping identify potential locations in Pennsylvania where additional or updated water-level data may be needed during or after major storm events. Pre-identification of these locations supports expedited decision-making for site selection, resulting in safer and more timely installation of flood monitoring instruments.
Aggregated Oil and Natural Gas Drilling History of the United States Web Application
This application provides an overview of oil and gas well history of the United States, from 1880 to September 1, 2022. Well history data is aggregated into 10-mile squares indicating the total number of wells and counts of wells classified as oil, gas, dry, injection, hydraulically fractured, and/or horizontal wells.
Water-Use Data and Research (WUDR) Project Viewer
About this tool The Water-Use Data and Research (WUDR) Program provides financial assistance to State water-resource agencies to improve water-use data. This viewer provides a map interface to locate projects and see the project dates, priorities addressed, and project activities.
USGS Wildfire Hazard and Risk Assessment Clearinghouse
This online tool was designed to help identify which wildfire hazard and risk assessments are available across the United States. It provides information about available risk assessments and links to assessment data when publicly available.
Remote Sensing Classroom
We’ve created fun and engaging educational lessons that allow students to look at satellite imagery and perform the same analysis as our remote sensing scientists at EROS. Students of all ages can learn how remote sensing scientists use Landsat satellite data to track changes to the Earth’s surface over the years. We’ve also added a few games and puzzles so you can test your skills too.